6 Digital Marketing Activities You Shouldn’t Forget About During Crisis

As unpredictable as it was, we’re slowly adjusting to the new normal. Some things have certainly changed, but some things have not. Right after the quarantine was declared, many businesses stopped almost all online activities. But going dark is just about the worst thing you can do for your business right now. Keep your customers engaged and keep sales steady with these 10 digital marketing activities that you might be forgetting about right now.

10 Digital Marketing Activities You Shouldn’t Forget About During Crisis digital marketing

1. Stay active on social media.

Staying in touch with your customers is more important than ever. Relevance cannot be bought with money, and you want to make sure that your customers are informed, engaged, and have you on their mind. Even if you’ve had to completely close down your business, you want your customers back when you reopen. Most people are active online now more than ever and want to hear from you.

Pro Tip: Dial back on the promotional messages. This is a good time for deals and offers, but make sure that you post some other interesting content, or show your support for other local businesses.

2. Promote special deals with messenger marketing

One of the strategies that many companies have been swearing by right now is deals and sales. Other than the obvious factor of urgency created by the discount, it’s also a great way to keep your sales steady even in uncertain times. You already know this, but something that you might not have thought of is a way to sell without even publishing the sale, and doing so to a very targeted group of people who are more likely to buy than anyone else.

One of the options you have on social media like Facebook is to send out a promotional message to all the people who have reached out to your brand over a message. These people have already shown interest, and by offering them an exclusive deal you are not even giving publicly, you have very high chances of closing the sale. This underrated form of digital marketing is known as Messenger Marketing, and it’s something you should definitely consider, especially in this context.

10 Digital Marketing Activities You Shouldn’t Forget About During Crisis digital marketing

3. Take advantage of influencer marketing

Besides PPC advertising, another great way to attract new potential customers is through social media influencers. If you had any doubts about the effectiveness of influencer marketing before COVID-19, it’s time to let those go and embrace the power of these people. The reason why influencers got a bad rep is that some people were tricking the system (buying followers and subscribers) and only sharing promotional content – which made their opening a lot less impactful (their audiences perceived them as sellouts, and stopped trusting their opinion). This is why we recommend going with micro-influencers or influencers on the rise – who come across as a lot more genuine, share less promotional content, and are cheap altogether. It’s a great way to tap into a very targeted, local, or global audience, and leaving a legitimate impression on real potential customers.

4. Invest in local SEO

We all want to purchase things locally, from trusted local sources and have the option for quicker delivery or pickup. This is your chance to increase your base of local clients. One way to do this is by investing in local SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Especially if you have a web-shop, new or old, your potential clients are searching on Google and other search engines for places close to their residence to purchase goods and services, now more than ever before. With the right keywords and SEO strategy, you will be able to improve your ranking and increase sales as well.

Pro Tip: Just like with PPC ads, SEO is a slightly more complex activity that initiates highly technical work. Getting to the first page of Google is not an easy summit to reach and you’ll need help from experienced people to do it. It’s best to consult with professionals about what you should do and how you should do it.

5. Try browser push notifications

A few years ago, people were a little bit skeptical when they were asked to allow a certain website to provide notifications on their browsers. Now, partially due to COVID-19, things have changed. People want to stay updated and this is one of the best ways to do this.

What’s really interesting is that push notifications have a 50% higher open rate than e-mail. Implement a push notification system on your website or app and see how it goes. This is an effective way to communicate with your target audience and get more returning clients. Many businesses use this to retarget customers that have not finished their purchasing process as well.

10 Digital Marketing Activities You Shouldn’t Forget About During Crisis digital marketing

6. Don’t forget about email marketing

Yes, people tend to check their social media accounts for news (and entertainment) a few times a day, but they also check their emails at least once in a few days. Email marketing is one of the most inexpensive and highly targeted forms of digital marketing. There is also a higher degree of focus and trust given to email messages by the consumers.

The tricky part is building your email lists. Prompting people to leave their emails on your website or in-store is easier said than done. On the other hand, you also need to invest in newsletters that will have the perfect balance of informative and sales content.

Pro Tip: Email marketing has one of the highest conversion rates and is a great way to sell for relatively little to no money. However, doing it right requires some marketing and technical expertise to create a visually homogeneous experience and a flow that will seal the deal with the customers. Consult with someone who has experience doing this. Small things can come a long way when it comes to email marketing. 

Covid-19 has put some things at a standstill but if you want your business to survive and thrive in the future, it’s important to go all-in digital marketing right now. If you need help in choosing the best channel and strategy for your brand, signup for a FREE digital marketing consultation with our experts. Our mission is to help small and medium businesses seize the best opportunities and grow even when no one else is. So if you are ready to embrace the full potential of digital marketing and grow your business, book your free consultation HERE now!

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