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7 Different types of AI Agents

7 Different types of AI Agents

Introduction Sometimes a quote is all it takes to start a new blog.Of course about AI! Ah, the quote?Here it is:  “We need to think as big as we can…before AI thinks bigger than we do.”  - Marco Argenti The man got a point. AI is evolving fast—almost too fast. And...

Understanding how AI agents work

Understanding how AI agents work

Do you argue with ChatGPT? I know I’ve found myself doing it a few times! And when I do it looks like this: CAPS LOCK, a lot of !!!!!!!!!!! and words like: why don’t you get me? Are you stupid? Try again! No no, and NO! STOP!...You know the drill—you ask for...

How did AI become an Agent?

How did AI become an Agent?

Introduction If you open a dictionary and look up agent, you’ll find this definition: a person who acts on behalf of another person or group.And if you look up AI—short for Artificial Intelligence—here’s what you get: the theory and development of computer systems...

Social Innovation is all around you

Social Innovation is all around you

Introduction Do we solve the problems we see around us every day?  How?  By taking the first step toward something better. 🙂  That step can be: planting a tree, organizing a workshop, mentoring a youth, starting a blog, volunteering at a shelter, cleaning the park,...

Social Innovation for a better tomorrow

Social Innovation for a better tomorrow

Introduction It all starts with a simple question: Does our world have problems? Or maybe it’s not so simple. Just look around.We face challenges like energy shortages, access to clean water, quality education for everyone, healthcare that reaches all corners of...

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