From Service to Product: Introducing Launch With AI Program for Startup Success – Part 4

In the fourth part of our “From Service to Product” blog series, we unravel the secrets behind captivating your audience through strategic organic tactics.  

Mastering Acquisition Channels – Organic Growth

Organic acquisition strategies focus on creating valuable content, building brand reputation, and fostering organic growth over time. While it may take longer to see results compared to paid acquisition, it can result in loyal customers, brand advocacy, and sustainable business growth.

From what we have seen so far, most startup founders launch only via organic channels as a first step. This will help them:

  • Test the product before actually spending too much on it
  • Pivot or improve using early feedback
  • Get some awareness and actually build a name around the brand early and organically
  • Test many different audiences, and find the right one
  • Lower the burn rate 

Our program offers an extended review of all organic and paid acquisition channels that one startup needs. Below you can find two examples of organic channels: content marketing and building communities.


Content Marketing

In today’s world, the success of any business is heavily dependent on the quality and relevance of its content.‍

‍”Content is king.” – Bill Gates 

By creating compelling and informative content, you can attract and engage their target audience, build brand awareness, and achieve their marketing goals. Whether through informative blog posts, visually appealing infographics, or engaging social media updates, good content is essential for establishing a strong online presence and standing out in a crowded digital landscape


💡 Tip for successful content creation: Storytelling

By telling the story of our product in a way that people can relate to, we can help them to connect with it on a deeper level. This can be done through case studies, customer testimonials and other forms of content that showcase the benefits of our product in real-world scenarios. 

4. The Role of AI in content creation

‍AI has revolutionized the way we generate new content by providing powerful tools and algorithms that enable us to create, optimize, and distribute content more efficiently and effectively than ever before. AI has transformed content creation is through content generation, where AI-powered tools like ChatGPT-3 can create new content based on specific inputs and parameters.

AI can help you with content creation in several ways:

1. Content creation: AI-powered tools like GPT-3 can generate new content based on a set of parameters and inputs. For example, a news website may use AI-generated content to produce breaking news stories quickly, or an e-commerce website may use AI to generate product descriptions for thousands of products.

2. Personalization: AI can analyze user data and behavior to create personalized content that is tailored to everyone’s interests and preferences. For example, a music streaming service may use AI to create custom playlists based on a user’s listening history, or a retailer may use AI to suggest products based on a customer’s purchase history.

3. Optimization: AI-powered tools can analyze content performance data to identify patterns and optimize content for better results. For example, a blog may use AI to identify the best keywords to include in a blog post to improve its search engine rankings, or a social media manager may use AI to analyze engagement metrics to determine the best times to post content.

4. Translation: AI-powered translation tools can quickly and accurately translate content into multiple languages, making it easier to reach a global audience. For example, a travel website may use AI to translate their website into multiple languages to attract more international visitors.

5. Editing: AI-powered editing tools can help to improve the quality of content by identifying errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. For example, a writer may use an AI-powered grammar checker to improve the accuracy and readability of their writing.


💡 Tip for content repurposing with AI in less than 5 minutes:

Imagine you are writing a blog post that you will also need to distribute later.

By using ChatGPT, you can easily add the full text inside and say:

‘ Make it into a tweet.’


‘Make5 posts for LinkedIn from this text.’

Simple as that.

And you not only have a blog post ready but a full distribution plan with ready copies for posting and sharing.

Below you can find example prompts for generating blog-post titles:


Blog tittle prompt
ChatGPT answer on prompt

Build and engage a community for your product launch

Building a community around a product launch involves cultivating a network of engaged users, customers, and advocates who are passionate about the product and actively participate in discussions, feedback, and promotion.

The purpose of fostering a community during a product launch is to create a sense of belonging, loyalty, and support among its members. It provides a platform for users to connect with each other, share experiences, provide feedback, and contribute to the growth and improvement of the product.

Communities (although not all) have remained the most valuable and reliable source of information. However, as communities have become highly appreciated, we see many, if not the majority of communities being used for promotional purposes and therefore lose their purpose and become very vague and unengaged. If you really want to take full advantage of a community, building your own would be the right approach. Once you create your own community, how to keep it engaged?

Here are useful tips on how to engage your community members:‍

1. Start from your perspective. Finding a role model is the easiest way to set the framework for your upcoming community. Make a list of the qualities of a community you are a part of that you like or dislike. After all, it is YOUR community. Consequently, it should reflect your ideals. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What keeps me returning to this community?
  • What made me feel special?
  • What is something I would change?

2. Create valuable and engaging content. Deliver what you’ve promised your members. Try to provide new and exciting content consistently. Offer resources such as guides, tutorials, or other materials to help members learn and grow and provide support when needed.

3. Encourage interaction. Provide opportunities for members to connect with one another and share their thoughts and ideas. Facilitate engagement by starting discussions, answering their questions, and creating polls.

4. User-generated content. The most powerful incentive for people to engage in encouraging your audience to share their experiences. Referring to companies fosters a stronger connection between members, who bond over reviews, shared ideas, and, most importantly, mutual support.

5. Increase responsiveness. Conversation is a two-way street, so try to respond to any comment or question, ensuring the members are heard. If the topic isn’t in your domain, try to find a member who knows the answer or is more knowledgeable in the area.

6. Reward regular contributors. Show appreciation for members who actively participate in the community by recognizing their contributions. Reward constructive comments, which can be positive or negative, but the result is almost always positive. These statements might seem harsh to the person receiving the comment, but they bring significant value to the community by conducting objectivity.

7. Involve members in the growth process. Be transparent and communicate about the future plans for your community. Practice co-creation, listen to your members’ opinions, and allow them to participate in decision-making.

8. Organize events. As your community grows, you will attract more experienced people who are already popular among your members. Utilize these authentic connections and organize events such as AMAs, interviews, podcasts, and webinars. This is a fantastic way to boost your community and give its members a sense of exclusivity.

9. Delegate your responsibilities among colleagues. Even though there might be a few people in your company, assigning several tasks to each of you will make managing easier. Their involvement in the community will provoke others to activate, portraying a safe and dynamic environment.

10. Gamification. Leveraging the competitiveness of your members keeps them engaged. You can choose a reward system based on the options available for your community’s preferred platform. For more information on choosing the ideal platform for your needs, see our earlier blog post on building an online community. By offering badges and titles to contributors, members may feel more incentivized to stay active and post content.

By implementing these tips and listening to the needs of your community, you can keep your community engaged and foster a sense of belonging and aspire support among members.

Other organic acquisition channels that we’re covering in our program:

  • Social Media
  • Email Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Featured In
  • Product Hunt

Mastering organic acquisition channels is the key to sustainable business growth. By leveraging the power of content marketing, building engaged communities, and harnessing the potential of AI, you can create a strong online presence, foster brand loyalty, and drive remarkable success.

Take the first step towards unstoppable growth by exploring our Launch With AI program and learn more about maximizing organic acquisition channels for your startup’s success.

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