In today’s fast-moving and always-connected society, companies are forced to seriously consider implementing a digital transformation strategy. Digital transformation offers organizations an opportunity to engage modern buyers, and deliver on their expectations of a seamless customer experience regardless of channel or place.
The concept of “digital” is on the minds of most business leaders. As they make decisions about where to invest for the future, it’s imperative to look at digital strategy through the customer experience lens. Digital experiences are becoming the primary type of experience for most customers. Companies that can determine their organization’s maturity and plan a long-term strategy will have an advantage over the competition. Modern companies must find a way to establish an emotional connection with their users through their mobile phones, so they can receive instant feedback from them and react accordingly.
The second edition of the creative marathon Rethink precisely focuses on the user experience. Customer loyalty largely depends on the quality of the service provided by the company, as well as the ability to provide a great digital experience for the user. As we increasingly focus on the digital world, so many key moments will happen online. In a recent study, more than 65% of users stated that their experience with the website or the application will be a very important factor for recommending that brand.
The main focus of Rethink 2019 was to create an effective digital experience for the user. Through the concept of crowdsourcing and co-creation, ambitious participants were working on real business problems.
The workshop
The event was structured as a business challenge whereas three different companies participated by giving a challenge suitably modified in line with the theme of Rethink: The Future of Digital Customer Experience.
Ohridska Banka
Rethinking financial habit formation in young customers – Changing financial habits using Big Data & AI
Rethinking digital data collection and usage to increase sales in fashion retail
Rethinking customer engagement through digital channels to increase brand recognition
The idea behind this creative marathon is to co-create innovative solutions together with various stakeholders, rapidly test and validate the solutions and discover new opportunities for growth. During the sprint, we will answer critical questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers. The process of innovation is iterative and agile and requires embracing change and customer involvement. The core value of the sprint is that it allows us to fast-forward into the future to see our finished product and customer reactions, before making any expensive commitments. The first step of the sprint is for mapping out problems and opportunities,and defining a clear focus. Then participants need to map all stakeholders, create an ideal user persona and conduct rapid qualitative research to gain in-depth understanding of the customers real pains. Once we have vital insights, participants go to ideation phase where they suggest various solutions to the identified problems. In the next phase, we prototype and test the suggested solutions in order to get early feedback, and then we improve the solutions using the data gathered, and we select the most promising concepts. Lastly, participants create a roadmap and timeline for implementation of their solutions and get ready to go to the implementation phase and present their solutions in front of selected jury members. At the end of the creative marathon, three teams were selected to continue working on their solutions with mentorship.