Monthly Spotlight: Nikola, a PR and Marketing expert, discusses Social Innovation as the core theme of Startup Weekend Skopje 2024

And here’s another interview in our monthly spotlight series! This month, we’re focusing on Social Innovation as we look forward to Startup Weekend Skopje happening on the first weekend in November.

Meet Nikola! 

Nikola is a PR and marketing expert, and a key figure in organizing Startup Weekend Skopje 2024, where innovative minds gather to develop impactful startup ideas in just 54 hours. 

This year’s theme, Social Innovation, is particularly exciting as it focuses on addressing pressing societal challenges through creativity, collaboration, and entrepreneurship. Nino will share insights on how social innovation is important for businesses and how it can create positive change in our communities.

Keep reading…

First thing first. How do you define Social Innovation? And what inspired the decision to focus on that theme for this year’s Startup Weekend Skopje?

From my perspective, social innovation involves the implementation of community inclusion within the business model. This can include adopting a sustainable approach by utilizing local resources, including vulnerable groups, or simply giving back in some way. It doesn’t relate to a company’s earnings; instead, it focuses on the distribution of funds and emphasizes what the company and its team stand for. The decision for this year’s topic, “Social Innovation,” at Startup Weekend Skopje is simple: to encourage young people to view business models from a different perspective. While attracting investors and funding product development are important, including the community can bring a new type of success to a startup.  

Why do you believe social innovation is becoming increasingly important for businesses today?

Social innovation offers businesses the opportunity to collaborate and co-create with diverse stakeholders, including individuals, organizations, communities, and governments. This aligns with the spirit of creativity, innovation, and forward-thinking of younger generations, like myself. It provides a platform to challenge traditional norms and develop novel approaches to social issues, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and adaptive problem-solving.

What are some key benefits for businesses that prioritize social innovation? Do you see it as a competitive advantage?

I do believe that implementing social innovation can serve as a competitive advantage. This is mainly because I see the market increasingly shifting towards local and small businesses—like cafés with character—rather than big chains. Over the past few decades, we have lived in an era of globalization, becoming exposed to brands and companies that have little connection to our origins. Socially innovative businesses bring a refreshing change, and especially after COVID-19, I believe many people have begun to recognize the importance of social innovation. 

As this is a Startup Weekend event, what role do you think startups play in leading the way for social innovation compared to larger, more established companies?

Well, the golden rule in business is that “it’s easier to build from scratch than to change something that already exists.” This applies to startups versus established companies. In my view, a startup should be a pioneering company in every field. If they implement a social aspect from the beginning, I believe they will be more successful and genuine than an existing company that introduces a segment on social innovation after 30, 50, or even 100 years of operation.

Are there any specific industries or sectors where you see social innovation having the biggest impact or potential for growth?

All industries have a way to implement social innovation. Given its broad coverage, I believe every business can find a way to give back to the community. However, I personally think the most immediate impact could be seen in the service sector. With rapidly developing technologies and AI, agencies will need to stand out and provide additional value, leading many of them to focus on giving back to society.

How does social innovation influence customer engagement and brand loyalty? Do you think consumers are actively seeking out brands that make a positive social impact? 

Not necessarily. I don’t believe people choose brands specifically because of how they implement their social aspect. However, I think that once you’ve been a customer and experienced their service, the social innovation aspect is what encourages you to return, even if you might not consciously recognize it.

And the last one. What impact do you hope this year’s event will have on both participants and the broader Skopje community?

This year’s SWS will introduce our young entrepreneurs to a field that isn’t widely discussed, and I think this is important. For many years, the startup community has primarily focused on tech, sustainability, or AI, which isn’t a bad thing. However, it would be ideal to combine a social aspect with one of these fields and create a company that takes care of the community.

Thank you, Nikola, for sharing your valuable insights on social innovation. We appreciate your guidance and are grateful for your expertise in this important area. Looking forward to the event! 

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