Product launch: Process insights

Launching a new product is an exciting and stressful activity, for companies, at the same time.

What’s important for a successful launch is timing. Of course, the product launch must ensure that potential customers are aware of the product, understand the benefits and have a desire to purchase it when it’s available.

Best — known for product launch is the tech giant Apple because it covers multiple important issues about the product such: the education of the customers, building excitement and creating a huge buzz around the new release. However, not everyone can do what Apple does when it comes to a new launch.


But there are several aspects that are important for any product launch, such as:

1.Test thoroughly before launch: there isn’t any specific period of how long should the testing last, but one thing is for sure it’s the best way to validate your product and to get — to — know your potential customers. Finding the right market and creating the ideal buyer persona is the first steps that lead to more market insights.

2. Encourage your team: through this process, the team will face changes like new processes, new tasks, etc. To keep the team spirit and to increase their motivation, you should provide the team with time and resources to embrace the changes and get familiar with the new processes. Set achievable goals so the team gets to reach them and increase the motivation level.

3. Prepare for an increased amount of work: Product launch obtains several aspects like advertising and promotion, logistics, production and distribution, and ensuring adequate availability. The team must be prepared for the increased amount of complex work. Also, it’s crucial for every team member to know the product thoroughly and the vocabulary for the features of the product.

4. Remember your core business: even when the excitement and adrenaline rush is high when you launch a new product, you mustn’t neglect the regular and existing business. You should aim to reach a balance between the new and the existing one since the existing one is the established company’s business after all.

5. Define key metrics of success: The defined goals go hand — in — hand with the metrics. Otherwise, how can you measure where are now and where you should be? The important thing here is that if you see that something doesn’t perform as expected or decreases the revenue streams, you need to be able to shift into other option, and the key metrics can be defined along the way when you have some traction (doesn’t matter if it’s downfall or upswing). Just remember that key metrics should be something that is easily measurable and can provide a tangible result.

In the end, there isn’t any guarantee that your product will be successful on the market, but following these steps and with the right timing you can make your product more memorable.


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