7 Different types of AI Agents

7 Different types of AI Agents

Introduction Sometimes a quote is all it takes to start a new blog.Of course about AI! Ah, the quote?Here it is:  “We need to think as big as we can…before AI thinks bigger than we do.”  – Marco Argenti The man got a point. AI is evolving fast—almost too fast....
Understanding how AI agents work

Understanding how AI agents work

Do you argue with ChatGPT? I know I’ve found myself doing it a few times! And when I do it looks like this: CAPS LOCK, a lot of !!!!!!!!!!! and words like: why don’t you get me? Are you stupid? Try again! No no, and NO! STOP!…You know the drill—you ask for...
How did AI become an Agent?

How did AI become an Agent?

Introduction If you open a dictionary and look up agent, you’ll find this definition: a person who acts on behalf of another person or group.And if you look up AI—short for Artificial Intelligence—here’s what you get: the theory and development of computer systems...
Does it really matter if a blog is written by AI or a human?

Does it really matter if a blog is written by AI or a human?

Introduction Whenever I want to write something, it starts with me having more questions than answers in sight. Lately, I’ve been wondering: Does writing and reading blogs hold the same value in the ChatGPT era? Do people still read blogs? How often? Who writes...
Daily Dose of AI: The Tools Our Solvers Rely On

Daily Dose of AI: The Tools Our Solvers Rely On

Welcome to the AI toolbox of our Solveo team! New tools pop up almost every day, promising to help us with writing, research, analytics, design, presentations, meeting notes, SEO, automation, productivity and… – you name it, there’s probably an AI for it....
The Human Touch That Makes AI Truly Intelligent

The Human Touch That Makes AI Truly Intelligent

Introduction “Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination hence the concept human-in-the-Loop.”  This was a tweet we came across and inspired us to...