Free Resources
A collection of free resources to help you unleash the full potential of your business.
Our e-books, research papers, and tools contain a wealth of useful information that can assist you in launching products, encouraging innovation, and discovering new growth opportunities.
See the collection below!

40+ ChatGPT Prompts
40+ proven and tested ChatGPT prompts to elevate your product launch game! Introducing a toolkit specifically crafted for...

Startup Insight Toolkit
Startup Insight ToolkitYour Launch Partner Startup Insight Toolkit serves as an essential resource for early-stage founders....

Growth Flow Toolkit
Growth Flow Toolkit Amplify Your Messaging The Growth Flow Toolkit is designed as a crucial asset for businesses seeking...

Launch Roadmap Toolkit
Streamline Your Launch Process with Our Launch Roadmap Toolkit Our Launch Roadmap Toolkit will assist you in managing your...

Online Communities for Startups 101
Find answers to the most challenging questions about building, running, and monetizing a vibrant online community for your business.

34 acquisition channels that consistently work for SaaS founders
Get inspired by learning how founders used 30+ acquisition channels to get new paying users.

The Comprehensive Product Launch Guide for First-time Startup Founders
New startup founders have many questions while launching a product for the first time. We have answered all of them in this e-book.

The 80-20 Rule of Launching a SAAS product!
Launching a SaaS product is hard. Make it easier with the growth tactics of 100 successful SaaS founders. Inspire your launch strategy with these exclusive insights.

15 industries with potential market gaps
New forces are driving innovation and customer needs are shifting by the minute.
Find out which industries are currently on the rise and how to WIN in each one!