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A collection of articles, insights and trends on the latest in innovation, design, technology, business and product launch.

5 product launch tips for a 1st-time startup CEO

5 product launch tips for a 1st-time startup CEO

So, you have an idea for a new product or service. And, you think it’s going to be the next big thing. It looks like a very useful product with great potential. Next, you decide to build your own startup and follow your dreams. You already have the vision in your head...

Solvers talk: Launching a product during the pandemic

Solvers talk: Launching a product during the pandemic

Launching a product during a pandemic is a challenge – but a worthwhile one. The global consumer shifts also created big business opportunities. How has the pandemic impacted the business environment? How has it changed the way we innovate and launch? And what is the...

5 Smart Techniques For Successful Product Launch

5 Smart Techniques For Successful Product Launch

Ask any entrepreneur - product launch process is one of the most stressful things that can happen to you. We can all just dream about the times where this was simple. All you needed was a good PR text that could bring you some publicity and a few billboards around...

Product launch: Process insights

Product launch: Process insights

Launching a new product is an exciting and stressful activity, for companies, at the same time. What’s important for a successful launch is timing. Of course, the product launch must ensure that potential customers are aware of the product, understand the benefits and...

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